Putting together a good outfit is getting harder with age. At least that’s what’s happening to me. I was fairly confident in my sense of style in high school – because clearly, choosing weather to wear a white or blue monogrammed polo with my grey or plaid pleated skirt was more of a science than art. […]
I hate taking down the tree. Don’t get me wrong – about this time of January, I start feeling like the tree is making my house Not Clean or something but taking it down seems to signify the end of something great, and the start of the dreary wait until summer. I really shouldn’t complain because I […]
Fun fact: This family’s Christmas cards were one of my top 5 favorite this year. For sure. I may be part of a big family since our March wedding, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t view crowd management and coordination for big family Christmas photos as a feat to be respected. Blonde hair, klompen…and […]
After a few days of family, family, family (to be clear – Daniel’s family, which includes 7 siblings and their spouses and their 35 total kids [I got married and became a tante {aunt} more times over than I ever expected!]), I’ve realized Scarlett barely even looks like this anymore, so I better hurry up […]
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