August 25, 2016

Lauren at 327 Months /// Shelly & Tim at 12


So you know how parents of young children keep a book on their first year of life?  Each month, they note the things that baby is loving and/or hating and/or learning that month.  I think it’s a great way to remember what that time was like. (I saw a meme that said “If my memory was any worse, I’d be able to throw my own surprise party.” I think this is especially true for people like us.)

So next point: why don’t we do that for us?  Why don’t I mark things I love in each season of life?  Doing it.  You should too.

Lauren, 327 months:

  • happiest when she’s sitting on the couch, editing photos with FRIENDS on in the background, watching Mina pull toys out of her toy basket
  • favorite foods include dark chocolate caramels with sea salt, Pizano’s pizza, peaches, and chile verde burritos (still doesn’t cook regularly)
  • so excited to be starting to learn film and shoot styled sessions
  • trying to work up the courage to leave Willemina for the weekend to attend a fancy pants wedding in Monterey with Daniel


/// Meanwhile, each time I head back to NJ, I aim to shoot.  This past May we were back, just in time for my sister’s first wedding anniversary.  Plus she had a dress she needed to use for something which is a fabulous excuse.  Plus my poor family gets gipped on photos since I live far.  Plus Dad cleaned up our back property incredibly since I moved out so it’s more than worth photographing.  Happy year and some, Tim and Shelly! ///


Hi, I'm lauren
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